FIG-Forth was a popular and very compact, public-domain version of the medium speed Forth systems programming language and environment during the early 1980s. In part 1, I talked about how to get FIG-Forth for the IBM PC running on PCjs and in part 2 I implemented a very rudimentary interim disk-based line editor. Part 3 dives into machine code routines and a PC BIOS interface, so that I could implement the screen functions I needed for my full-screen editor and in Part 4 I used them to implement that full-screen editor.
Here I'd like to explore a bit more graphics, since the PC BIOS interface can plot pixels (in any of 4 colours).
So, let's start with Plot. I get most of my BIOS programming information from wikipedia, though I've used an independent web page too. Implementing plot is just an INT10H function (where AH=24), so let's try it:
>R >R 3072 + 0 R> R>
4 VMODE takes us into 320x 200 graphics. You can still type in text, but you can't see the cursor. CLS fills the screen with a stripe - the bios call doesn't work the same way. We can create a graphics cls with:
: CLG 1536 SWAP 21760 * 0 6183 INT10H 0 0 AT ;
We can fill the screen with a colour:
So, 0 CLS 1 FCOL will then fill the screen in cyan in 37.6s. This makes the plot rate 37.6/(320*200=64000) = 1702 pixels per second, or if we exclude the non-plot functions (43µs+32µs*4)*320*200 = 10.9s for the FORTH code itself, so 26.456s or 2419 pixels per second. Writing a simple random number generator:
: RND SEED @ 1+ 75 * DUP SEED ! U* SWAP DROP ;
Means we can fill the screen with random pixels with:
Is what we get part of the way running this after CLS. It randomly plots successive pixels with the colours black, cyan, magenta or grey.
More usefully we can draw lines. The Jupiter Ace manual gives a nice routine for drawing lines (page 79), however it uses the definition PICK which isn't available on FIG-Forth. It will also turn out that the Bresenham routine, which although it's faster in pure assembler, is slower when the instruction execution rate is much slower than division or multiplication. And that's true for the 8088 where each Forth instruction is about 30µs, but a multiplication also takes about 60µs. Thus, if the Bresenham algorithm is at least 2 instructions longer, multiplies (or divides) are faster. And the Bresenham algorithm on the Jupiter Ace takes: 14 basic loop instructions + DIAG (some of the time) = 4 instructions + SQUARE the rest of the time = 8 or 7 instructions. And Step = 12 instructions. So, that's about 14+6+12 = 32 instructions per loop. By comparison, the main loop in FIGnition is 22 instructions. On this basis we'd be able to achieve about 1500 points per second, a diagonal line across the screen would take about 0.2 seconds.
It's possible to consider the fastest potential line drawing code and base the full line drawing algorithm around that. The quickest way is to consider that again, for the longest axis, its coordinate will increment by 1 on each pass and on the other axis, some fraction of 1. So we can consider a 16-bit fraction, in the range 0..1 on that axis, which we can multiply by the longer axis. In each case we need to add an offset for each coordinate to get the final location.
So, in this version we need about 20 instructions and we need a second version where the x coordinates map to the do loop. The problem with this version is handling negative gradients, because using U* to generate gradients won't generate negative results in the high word. However, this can be fixed by sorting the coordinates. Consider (with a normal x-y coordinate system) a vector in the second quadrant at about 153º (a gradient of about -1/2). If we sort the coordinates so that we draw from right to left, then the y coordinates will draw upwards. Similarly a line in the 4th quadrant drawn at 288º (a gradient of 2/3), if we sort the coordinates so that we draw from top to bottom, then the x coordinates are ordered left to right. And we can achieve this by XOR'ing the DO loop coordinate by 0xffff (and adding 1 to the DO LOOP coordinate offset). Furthermore we can 'improve' the line drawing by modifying the plot routine to add an origin ( ox, oy) and set the colour ( fgCol). This gives us:
0 VARIABLE oxy 0 ,
>R >R 3072 + 0 oxy 2@ R> + SWAP R> +
So, OPLOT is 4 words longer than PLOT. Also we want x in the first word of oxy and y in the second word. Then DAxis is: