Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Wobbly-Blue: An Optical Illusion on a ZX Spectrum And VIC-20


I recently came across an interesting optical illusion whereby a speckled-blue sphere on a random checkerboard pattern will appear to wobble relative to the checker-board if you move your head. When viewed on a mobile device, as you can move the device itself and the effect is even more pronounced.

I figured I could write a simple version of a program that generated it for the ZX Spectrum, and this is the result (you need to make the image occupy a fair amount of your field-of-view):

The program is fairly small:

The ZX Spectrum has character-level colour resolution, but because the blue sphere is surrounded by a black border, it doesn't cause any clashes. I originally wanted to produce a sphere where the blue coverage in the centre was obviously larger than at the edges, but it turned out that simply taking the sine of a random angle creates a distribution that looks spherical, because the rate of change is greatest near 0ยบ so the dots are spread out more there and concentrated near the edges. If I let it run for about 2000 points it'd probably look more prominent.

Unexpanded VIC-20 Version

Quite frequently I like to create Unexpanded VIC-20 conversions of ZX Spectrum programs, because they're fairly contemporary machines with some similar characteristics, but the VIC-20 is more challenging to program due to a lack of support in its version of BASIC.

Here's the VIC-20 version:

The VIC-20 version is full of POKES to do what the ZX Spectrum version can do with PLOT, INK and PAPER. Also, the character set is squished and there's only 22 characters per line. But it's the techniques needed to perform hi-res graphics on a VIC-20 (particularly an unexpanded VIC-20) that's the real challenge.

Firstly, the VIC-20 can only really do hi-res graphics by modifying a character set of up to 256 characters. So, if you fill the screen with unique characters and update the pixels in each character then a full bitmap display is possible. However, on a standard VIC-20 screen there are 22 x 23 characters = 506 character positions which is far more than the number of characters in the character set! The VIC-20 'fixes' this by supporting double-height characters of 16-rows each, which means you only need 253 characters to fill the screen.

The second problem is that an unexpanded VIC-20 only has 3581 bytes free when you turn it on, and 253 double-height characters + the 506 screen bytes would need 4554 bytes, which is clearly more than what's available.

However, in this case, we don't need to fill the whole screen with bitmapped graphics, only the sphere in the centre! And in fact I would only need 172 single-height characters if I also reduced the screen size to 20x20 characters! 172 characters needs just 1882 bytes including the screen bytes. This leaves just over 2kB for my program!

How is this done? Well, I could work out which characters in the centre will be filled with the sphere's pixels and print unique characters for them, but it's easier to use the kind of tile-allocation technique you might use for a video game. You use some characters as background (in this case we only need one: character 255, which is filled with 8x $ff's).

Then whenever you want to plot properly on the screen you find out which character is being used at the character location at (INT(x/8),INT(y/8)). If it's not 255, then you can then look up the character in the character set memory; select the right row (Y & 7) then set the right pixel (128>>(X & 7)). Otherwise you allocate the next character code (denoted by UG% in the listing) and then fill in the pixel as before. It doesn't matter if the characters on the screen aren't allocated in order, because one simply gets the correct bitmap address from the character code itself.

The resultant program is similar to the ZX Spectrum version, except that a couple of subroutines are added. Line 1 allocates space for the new character set by setting the end of BASIC (and string stack) to 6143. Then 6144 onwards can be used. Lines 500 to 540 create the initial graphics setup. The screen size is set to 20x20 instead of 22x23. PAPER is set to black with the screen in non-inverse mode; the new character set is filled with 0s; the screen is filled with character code 255 and character 255 is filled with 255s too (all done with one loop). Finally, UG% is set to 0, as that's the first character code we'll allocate.

Lines 1000 to 1040 are very similar to the ZX Spectrum version except it works by setting the INK colour of each character to white or black for each checkerboard location.

Lines 200 to 220 are the plot routine discussed above. It also has to POKE colour memory (from 38400 onwards) to make the INK colour at that location Blue (colour 6). Finally we can run the program:

Pixels on a ZX Spectrum are square, but on a VIC-20 they're squished too, so the sphere is oblate. Total video memory is 2048b, and including 400b of screen memory that's room for 206 bitmap chars. So, I could have increased the checkerboard resolution by allocating 16 characters, taking the total up to 188.

What Causes The Effect?

I did a bit of searching for how the illusion works, but all I found was articles on how colour aberration can cause red or green colours to stand out in a sort-of 3D effect. But here's a simple theory. Human eyes are 10x less sensitive to blue than other primary colours and much more sensitive to luminance than colour. So, it's likely that the brain needs to do more processing for colour than for monochrome images; more processing for blue and more processing for sparse images (like this sphere).

That would make sense: the least sensitive blue cones might take longer to fire than the more sensitive rods (because it takes longer for enough energy to make them fire). There might be more neurone layers for making sense of colour image; more neurone layers for making sense of a sphere than a set of blocks and finally more neurone layers for making sense of a sparse image than a solid one.

All the extra processing causes a lag in processing; which means that when you move your head (or move the screen); the checkerboard pattern moves quickly in your field of view, but your other neurones take time to reconstruct the sparse, blue, sphere.