Saturday, 22 October 2022

Intel 8048 Coding Guide

This is a short guide on programming the largely obsolete Intel 8048 series of Microcontrollers from the viewpoint of a conventional coding paradigm. It describes how to essentially hand compile programs notionally written in a high-level language into assembler using a consistent methodology.

We shall chose a relatively simple toy program: a towers of Hanoi application. It uses 4 LEDs for output at each step (the source column and the destination column); a single button; some simple expressions; recursion (only up to 6 levels) and a simple interrupt routine to read the button.

Register Usage

The datasheets for the 8048 series shows it is an accumulator architecture, with direct access to 8 registers [r0 to r7] with which the accumulator can perform arithmetic / logic operations and indirect access to the rest of RAM via r0 and r1, with which it can also perform a similar set of ALU operations.

So, the convention here is to use r2 to r7 for parameters, locals and temporaries; while r0 and r1 point to globals. Thus, accessing a RAM location (e.g. x) takes 2 instructions:

    mov r0,#x
    mov a,@r0

Because r0 and r1 can both be used as pointers, we can cache up to 2 globals at any one time, e.g. b^=c =>
    mov r0,#b
    mov a,@r0
    mov r1,#c
    xrl a,@r1
    mov @r0,a ;7b
Becomes a straight-forward translation. If b and c had been in r2 and r3 it would have become just
    mov a,r2
    xrl a,r3
    mov r2,a ;3 bytes instead of 7b.

The 8048 has a second bank of registers, these will only be used within interrupts. That way, we never have to save context and we can be sure that nothing we do with r0' to r7' will affect the main program.

This means we can now write the interrupt-handling code, which debounces a button press. If we assume the 8048 runs at 8MHz, then the timer will overflow every 8MHz/15/32/256 = 65Hz, which is a reasonable period for debounce. The algorithm is fairly simple, on every overflow interrupt we simply shift in the button press value to a holding register and if the bottom 4 bits are 1100, then this means that the button was seen as being debounced and off ('11') then debounced and on ('00') so a button press has occurred and the button press bit is set. The key input routine waits for that bit to be set, then clears it.

    org 7 ;start tmr interrupt at its address.
    sel rb1
    in A,p1 ;button in bit 0.
    roc A ;now in carry.
    mov A,r2 ;button press history
    rlc A ;now bottom
    mov r2,A
    anl #12 ;
    xrl #12 ;zero => button!
    jnz Tmr10
    clr f0
    cpl f0 ;F0= button result.
    sel rb0 ;back to main reg set
    retr ;return from int. 16b.

Key: ;wait for key.
    jf0 Key10
    jump Key ;still clear
    clr f0 ;ready for next keypress.
    ret ;Return. 6b.

    mov a,#1
    orl a,p1
    out p1,a
    sel rb1
    mov r2,#0 ;button had been 'pressed'
    sel rb0
    en tcnti
    strt cnt ;65Hz.
    ret ;11b.

;16+6+11 = 33b.

Data Structures And Stack Frames

The Tower of Hanoi recursive program is fairly simple. If we want to move all the rings from column a to column c; we first move all the rings above from column a to column b; then move a ring from column a to column c, then move all the rings above from column b to column c.

Normally, because a 8048 program is poor at handling indexed data structures, it will be best to map stack frames to static stack frames. However, for this application We'll use r2 to r7 as locals and r0 as a stack pointer. The stack pointer will push down from the top of RAM and we'll assume it's an 8048 with 64b of RAM, so r0 starts at 64. The function is equivalent to the following 'C' function:

void Hanoi(uint8_t aLevel, uint8_t aFrom, uint8_t aToo)
    if(aLevel>0) {
        Hanoi(aLevel-1, aFrom, aToo^aFrom);
    if(aLevel>0) {
        Hanoi(aLevel-1, aFrom^aToo, aToo);

I tend to choose caller-saved conventions, so the first thing Hanoi will do is save from and too; and restore them at the end. We'll assume a 6 level Hanoi, with columns numbered as 0, to 2. We can always compute the via as 3^from^to. e.g. 0 to 2 => 3^0^2 => 1. 0 =>1 is 3^1^0 => 2. 1 to 2 => 3^1^2 => 0.

Hanoi ;r2=aLevel, r3=aFrom, r4=aToo.
    mov a,r3
    dec r0
    mov @r0,a ;push aFrom
    mov a,r4
    dec r0
    mov @r0,a ;push aToo.
    dec r2 ;if the result is 0
    mov a,r2 ;
    JZ Hanoi10
    mov a, #3
    xrl a,r3
    xrl a,r4
    mov r4,a ;from source to via.
    call Hanoi ;recurse.
    mov a,r3
    rl a
    rl a
    orl a,r4
    clr c
    cpl c ;set c.
    rlc a ;because bit 0=button input.
    out p1,a ;output the move
    call Key ;wait for button
    mov a,r2 ;level==0?
    jz Hanoi20
    mov a,#3
    xrl a,r3
    xrl a,r4
    mov r3,a ;move via to dest.
    call Hanoi
    inc r2 ;restore level above.
    mov a,@r0 ;restore from and too at the end.
    inc r0
    mov r4,a
    mov a,@r0
    inc r0
    mov r3,a
    ret ;45b

Thus it can be seen that the implementation is very simple. Initialisation involves setting up the timer interrupt and the initial Hanoi call:

    org 0;reset
    jmp Main
    call TmrInit
    mov r0,#64 ;sp
    mov r2,#6 ;6 levels
    mov r3,#0
    mov r4,#2
    call Hanoi
    jmp Main10;14b

Thus we now have a complete implementation with user interaction, display, interrupts, expressions, data structures, locals, and recursion. It takes only 7+33+45+14 bytes = 103b in total. Note, at the time of writing, the Hanoi application hasn't been tested.

Static Stack Frame Algorithm.

The Static stack frame algorithm needs to be computed by hand. First we work out the call tree for the application. Secondly, for each function we allocate a call level to it based on the deepest call to that function. Thirdly, for each call level we allocate the number of bytes = the maximum number of stack bytes needed over the set of functions at that call level. Fourthly, we set the start address for the higher call level to the start of spare RAM and each lower call level to the start address of the previous call level + the stack bytes calculated in step 3.


Although the instruction set for the 8048 family is fairly comprehensive for an early 8-bit MCU and its multiple source interrupt feature makes it far better than the contemporary PIC 1655, the limited and clumsy access to memory outside of a local set of 8 registers makes coding challenging. Many of these problems were fixed by its successor, the Intel 8051.

Nevertheless, some fairly simple coding techniques provide for a fairly straight-forward and efficient coding convention.